C.U.R.B. is committed to informing stakeholders as to the status of the on-going legal proceeding in Franklin County Circuit Court, Case:CL17 1605 -- Appalachian Power Company v. Nissen et al. Legal action was initiated by Appalachian Power on 8 February 2017 seeking to remove Nissens dock.
Case 7:14-cv-00535-NKM Appalachian Power Company v. Nissen et al. Legal action was initiated by Appalachian Power Company on 3 October 2014 in the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF VIRGINIA ROANOKE DIVISION. Appalachian Power lost this case on Appeal from the Nissens before the U.S. Fourth Circuit on 19 December 2017.
Documents attached below are ordered and identified as either Plaintiff (APCO) or Defendant (Nissen) initiated. The documents are very technical and formatted to meet the strict requirements of the federal court. Never-the-less they are completely understandable for the lay person.